Cam Ranh Bay in Banner Elk
Posted by Danielle Bussone on Aug 21, 2013 in Asian, Banner Elk, NC, Fusion, Vietnamese | 0 comments
One of the most delightful eateries you’ll find in the High Country is a Vietnamese/Japanese restaurant in Banner Elk, NC. Vietnamese native, Nancy Nguyen, moved to the mountains eleven years ago and now considers Banner Elk home. Since immigrating to the US after the Vietnam War, Nancy has worked in both Vietnamese and Japanese restaurants and knows both cuisines well.
Until recently, Cam Ranh Bay was known as Tokyo Express. Nancy changed it’s name to reflect her origins, having grown up in the town of Cam Ranh Bay, Viet Nam.
I first became acquainted with Cam Ranh Bay when I attended a dinner for Nancy created for our vegan group, VegBoone, of 49 attendees. The food was amazing and the service flawless. To illustrate how much the community embraces Nancy, several Banner Elk residents showed up to work as voluntary servers for the event! We recently held another event at her restaurant and it was even better than the first, if that’s possible.
Nancy also has a great deal of experience working with plant-based clientele. She worked at a Vietnamese restaurant in Boston where all employees were required to be vegan. She is fully versed in the concerns of the plant-based diner. (more…)
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