Richmond Vegetarian Festival Celebrates Its Lucky 13th Anniversary, June 20th at Bryan Park!


by Danielle Bussone




Celebrating their 13th year, Richmond Vegetarian Festival, one of the most happening vegfests in the country is less than THREE WEEKS away, June 20th, from 12-6pm. Richmond Vegetarian festival boasts thousands of visitors each year at the shaded  grounds of  Bryan Park and the numbers just keep growing. One hundred plus vendors will be nestled among trees in the dappled oasis of the park’s Azalea Gardens where great food and entertainment for the entire family can be leisurely enjoyed at this FREE event! Mike Goldberg (of WTVR-CBS6) will be the ever-popular Master of Ceremonies. Even your pets are welcome!


Pet and Kid Friendly Atmosphere!



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Tallahassee Florida Celebrates First Annual North Florida VegFest April 4th In Cascade Park Downtown Tallahassee!

by CD Davidson-Hiers


Julie Sutton and I first met at 101 Restaurant in downtown Tallahassee. I had been put in contact with her as the coordinator for Tallahassee’s premiering VegFest, happening the weekend of April 4th. Julie, along with many other members of the Vegfest committee, were there that night as a social outing, a friendly gathering of vegans and vegetarians alike. The first questions asked were: how long have you been a vegan, and why did you switch?


Julie Sutton



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LA CUCINA Italian Kitchen, Milano’s Finest In The Most Unlikely Place


by Danielle Bussone



La Cucina: Charming Entrance


Fourteen years ago Rich and I moved to Butler, Tennessee, a small burg tucked away in the mountains of Appalachia with a population of less than 800. The best place to eat closed down years ago. It was a gas station/restaurant where, from a row of booths sandwiched between the gas pumps in the front and the garage in the rear of the store, one could enjoy a chili dog and at the same time shop for spark plugs or tampons while breathing in oil and gas fumes. A lot has changed since we first arrived. Now vegans, we would not longer consider eating a chili dog and the restaurants that served them are long gone. There is neither a grocery store nor a gas station in the area.


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Ukrainian East Village – A Ukrainian Christmas on 2nd Avenue, New York City

by CD Davidson-Hiers

Ukrainian East Village

Ukrainian East Village


Ukrainian East Village is situated off 2nd Avenue in New York City, down a starched white hallway and around a corner to the left. On the right is a sign leading to the bathrooms down a set of stairs where the air sits cool, anticipating. The double doors to the restaurant are wood, which open into a room that, true to its name, is similar to a small village where diners can enjoy food as close to the Ukrainian original as possible.


Ukrainian East Village Interior

Ukrainian East Village Interior


We waited for a moment before being escorted to a table where we were handed menus full of options: pierogis, kasha varnishkes, blintzes, and nalysnykys. We referred to wikipedia more than once to determine the ingredients of the Ukrainian staples. Though this restaurant did not have any listed vegan meals, there were a couple vegetarian options that the chef, on Christmas Day when the restaurant was slam-packed full of festivity-seekers, was more than happy to tailor to suit our vegan requirements.






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How to make Paper Masala Dosa by by Dosa Garden Indo/Sri Lanken Restaurant

We are excited to post this video of how to make Paper Masala Dosa from Dosa Garden in Staten Island. We hope to have the full recipe posted soon.  

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Spotlighting Candle 79 — Plant-Based Dining At Its Finest!


by CD Davidson-Hiers

Candle 79 Exterior

Candle 79 Evening Exterior


Candle 79 is one branch of a triad of higher-end restaurants in New York City that offers a selection of organic vegan options. The entire menu is vegan, and that was a novelty I had to quickly adjust to after asking Elena, the manager, “so…your ice creams don’t have dairy, right?” She smiled and said again that dairy is an animal product, so no.


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